Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wagyu Burger Restaurants in Jakarta

Social House - more popularly known as SoHo - is one of the choice hangout in downtown Jakarta. At the front of the SoHo is wine post aka "toko" where to sell wine. Visitors can choose the first wine to be ordered to accompany lunch or dinner. Wine lovers are usually first select wines, and then determine what foods are compatible with that wine. It's way more plausible. Understandably, the price of wine is usually more expensive than the price of food. And wine-food pairing have also begun to be part of the "style" of the Diners.

From the interior, easy to guess that SoHo is one of the leading restaurants owned by Ismaya Group. Dining room is divided into two parts, namely for those who linger to enjoy drinks and snacks, and other parts for those who do come to a full meal.

SoHo serves Asian and Western food. On the menu card, both are displayed on either side. Sushi, pizza, pasta, steak - almost all popular dishes can be obtained in SoHo. In accordance with the character of the place as well as visitors, one of the popular menu here is Wagyu Beef Burger (IDR 150 thousand). Big burger, with the Pattie (meat) thick. A bit too dry for my maturity level of the medium the message. However, this deficiency was closed because the burger Pattie direct contact with the two kinds of melted cheese - brie and emmenthaler. This is indeed a "duel" between a burger Pattie death is really tender and juicy, and soft-textured cheese that also, but with flavors that contrast.

Other fillers are: two circles of crunchy onion rings, grilled eggplant, rocket leaves (arugula), and sundried tomato. French fries it also comes in large portions. Overall, this is a burger special. Not your average burger! Mak nyuss!

SoHo is open from early morning to serve guests who want breakfast, also take advantage of the place that stays open all day to serve guests afternoon tea. Package afternoon tea sets him was "only" IDR150 thousand for two.

Social House
Restaurant Bar Winepost
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town
021 23581818

tags: burger restaurants in Jakarta, wagyu burgers

Monday, February 21, 2011

Popcorn Effects for Your Health

Watch a movie while munching popcorn is fun. Want a salty, or wrapped in caramel and butter, all are delicious. Fragrant aroma and delicious taste make us can not stop chewing until the film runs out. Did you know that the popcorn had a lot of calories, fat and salt?

The habit of chewing popcorn while watching movies may effect you something. The proof, in every movie theater there is always some popcorn machine. Nose piercing fragrance that instantly makes people automatically buy the popcorn after buying a ticket. Watching it feels less complete without popcorn.

However, there are things to look out for in a bag or box of popcorn that you buy. An observation is reviewed by The New York Times revealed serious things that need to be observed. Research carried out the Centre for Science watching popcorn is sold in three theaters in New York and recorded the variant flavors offered.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pakistan Halal Fast Food Ready

halal food
Halal foods that increasingly globalized many targeted by a number of international markets. Even now halal a fast-food has also been started to be promoted. The target market are busy workers in around the world.

After attending a seminar on "Halal Food Awarness" organized by the Halal Food Autrhoity (HFA), which the UK firm in cooperation with Bhombal and Pakistan. Anjum said that most of the Muslim community in America and Europe have a very busy lifestyle.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Honey for Your Health

Best Restaurants honey for health
Every morning, you may include honey in your breakfast menu. Since hundreds of years ago, honey's efficacy has been proven to help human health. Not only as an energy supplier but also as a good nutrition.

Honey can be taken anytime. To complement to breakfast or a drink before bed. Drink a tablespoon of honey before bed, will improve the performance of the functions of the brain. Because, its fructose is able to provide energy of the liver and brain working all night. No wonder, if honey is believed to be an supplement to give energy of the ancient Greek athletes during the Olympic event.

Honey has a carbohydrate content of 82.3% higher among other animal products. Like, milk, eggs, meat, cheese, and butter. Every 100 grams of pure honey contains 294 calories. While every 1000 grams or 1 kg of honey its calories equivalent to 50 eggs or 5.675 liters of milk or 1680 grams of meat.

The content of glucose and fructose in honey is able to supply glycogen in the liver. Could also boost the immune system. This naturally sweet liquid has antibacterial effect both internally and externally so as to accelerate the recovery of the body. It is also a natural antiviral to heal cold.