Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pakistan Halal Fast Food Ready

halal food
Halal foods that increasingly globalized many targeted by a number of international markets. Even now halal a fast-food has also been started to be promoted. The target market are busy workers in around the world.

After attending a seminar on "Halal Food Awarness" organized by the Halal Food Autrhoity (HFA), which the UK firm in cooperation with Bhombal and Pakistan. Anjum said that most of the Muslim community in America and Europe have a very busy lifestyle.

"The increase in daily activities both at work and at home to make them do not have much time to prepare meals at home," he said. "The Muslims, like other segments of the population, associated with his work and other activities outside the home, and many things that consume their time growing.
kosher foods
It is estimated there are approximately 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide and approximately 1.5 billion is the kosher consumer. "That means that one in four people eat kosher food," added the former president of KCCI was like that quoted from the Daily Times.

High mobility of factors of society an opportunity for this fast food. Given the busyness factor that is making food easy to eat fast food or frozen food to be very, very important and helped their daily lives. Anjum therefore argue that the presence of fast food kosher food are very useful and fit for purpose. And Pakistan in this case can serve as a major player in promoting halal food products prepared food to the world.

Tags: Halal Food, Best Restaurants, Kosher Foods, Foods for Health

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